Wednesday, June 12, 2019

PORTFOLIO Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

PORTFOLIO - Essay Exampleunds that I have made in my journey through this family unit this semester and explain the methods I used to come up with thought inducing military issues but also to be able to express papers through methods in which the assignment was clear but still had a point.When I would first try to determine the topics for which I would write about, I would consider my own personal experiences and the things around me that influence my thinking. The best way to determine a topic for me was to take a subject of interest and conduct research in dress to elaborate more on it. When I did some thinking, writing and research my ideas would change and I thought of ways to narrow down a topic and the way in which to portray what I was trying to say. There were several times when I had to determine whether or not the topic that I was near interested in was one that I really wanted to write about or if I could find enough research about it. To decide, I would use library s ervices and also the Internet to find topics that had supporting research. I still wanted to maintain my own voice in these papers because they were of interest to me.When looking at some of the most difficult problems I faced while writing, the fact that I am a non-native speaker and schoolchild made it difficult. There were some issues or concepts discussed in writings that I was unfamiliar with. I found that some of my information should focus more on the United States and some of the situations found in the culture and society here. The cultural differences and importances in society made a difference in some of the things that I would write about. My grammar and basic way of thinking is a struggle when compared to American English and it was a bit of a challenge to overcome. I did my best to sample out help in order to write to the best of my ability and still organize papers so that they made sense.When researching, I took the advice of my professor, my tutor and my peers. I was often provided with information

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