Saturday, June 8, 2019

Network security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Network security - Essay ExampleTechnical security controls are made of three components detective, corrective and preventive, which all work to mitigate risks at heart a system.The first step I ordain access the router through the web interface. This will allow me to configure encryption using the WPA2 or the pre-shared key. This will ensure that anyone who all devices must provide this key before joining the network.There are three IKE policy choices message encryption, message integrity chop algorithm and peer authentication method. The policies are satisfied by various encryption methods that are dependent on a number of factors such as type of hardware in place. The key length available when using encryption algorithm allows the definition of key length used in harm of bits. When it comes to choosing message encryption algorithm, 3des is the strongest when compared to DES. The sha encryption offers a better encryption type as compared to md5 when it comes to message integrit y has algorithm. For the peer authentication method, the rsa-sig offers a stronger encryption.An intrusion signal detection system has powerful features that provide notification when an attack occurs. On the other hand, a detective prevention system only uses limited functions to thwart attacks from taking place.Detection system is also limited because it relies on copies of network packets, which must be received from another switch. This makes sensors operating in intrusion mode to be said as running in promiscuous mode.Compared to detection system, intrusion prevention is more robust and has better features because it operate in inline mode where it checks as packets flows in teatime. Therefore, it can prevent traffic from entering a given network in

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