Sunday, June 2, 2019

I Want to be a Teacher Essay -- College Admissions Teaching Philosophy

I Want to be a Teacher When I was in high school, I worked as an aide in an elementary school during one period of the day. When I first began working there, I had second thoughts around choosing education as a career, but then I worked with Michael. One of my tasks was to listen to Michael read everyday and monitor his progress. Michael was a problem child who mountain tended to turn away from, but I was drawn to him. Michael became something of a project for me. I found that Michael would work very hard on his reading just because he sensed that I was interested in him, and, as a result, his reading began to improve. I rejoiced at Michaels improvement, but I knew this was his triumph not mine. Michael had allowed me to share this wondrous achievement with him, and at that point, I knew that I wanted to be a teacher. In my opinion, the main purpose of education is to direct the childrens growth emotionally, socially, and academically. Education hel ps children emotionally by teaching them to express their feelings through constructive activiti...

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